Otherwise she will hangout in the open and get spotted, or worse, if combat starts for some reason, attack anything that draws attention. You have to be extremely selective with what you sic her on and call her back the moment she succeeds.

She is a great companion, probably the best aside from Cheeseburger and Jess Black, two other allies who more or less instant kill anything they lay into, but Peaches has some major problems, namely with the fact that if the target she kills makes any noise at all during the special instant death animations, it is almost assured the target's allies are coming. By dive I mean, "attack everything and plunge headlong into groups of peggies where she will probably die about three kills in". If you intend to do stealth with Peaches around, you need to tell her where to go early and often, otherwise the moment combat kicks off or an enemy sees you, she is going to dive. She is absolutely a buzzsaw on feet, but she suffers from having some horrible pathing and aggro issues. Peaches has a lot of issues with her artificial intelligence behaving itself. Despite the change of setting, if you’ve played a Far Cry game, you probably know what you’re in for in Far Cry 5: Wide open spaces, dastardly evil, a mix of over-the-top action and realism.